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Browsing Electronic Theses and Dissertations by Subject "Community nurse/nursing" Login. UnisaIR Home; Zirconia, Sulphated Zirconia and Zirconium Phosphates as additives for membranes in PEM Fuel Cell. Sigwadi, Rudzani Annetjie () This research investigates the impact of zirconia nanoparticle in conductivity, water uptake, fuel crossover and fuel efficiency of modified Nafion® membranes. Synthesized water-retaining mesoporous zirconia Development and validation of a measure for assessing the psycho-technological learning capabilities of open and distance online learners Tebele, Cebile () This research focused on the development and validation of the Psycho-Technological Learning Capabilities Scale (PTLCS) to measure the technical and technological capabilities required by students in
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Development and validation of a measure for assessing the psycho-technological learning capabilities of open and distance online learners Tebele, Cebile () This research focused on the development and validation of the Psycho-Technological Learning Capabilities Scale (PTLCS) to measure the technical and technological capabilities required by students in Ensure that your dissertation/thesis was submitted online to Turnitin (for originality checking) and download the one page digital receipt (not the full report) to be included in your examination copy. Should you have queries contact turnitin@blogger.com Browsing Electronic Theses and Dissertations by Subject "Community nurse/nursing" Login. UnisaIR Home;

Student enquiries
· The Library's Theses guide focuses on two major sources, Trove (the key search tool for discovery of Australian theses) and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (a major commercial database with millions of theses, primarily from the USA but also many other nations). See the database list for Theses for links to these and other blogger.com: Lorien Delaney Ensure that your dissertation/thesis was submitted online to Turnitin (for originality checking) and download the one page digital receipt (not the full report) to be included in your examination copy. Should you have queries contact turnitin@blogger.com Authority control in an academic library consortium using a union catalogue maintained by a central office for authority control. Marais, Hester, () Authority control is the backbone of the library catalogue and therefore a critical library activity. Experienced staff create authority records to assist users in their quest

This Collection
· The Library's Theses guide focuses on two major sources, Trove (the key search tool for discovery of Australian theses) and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (a major commercial database with millions of theses, primarily from the USA but also many other nations). See the database list for Theses for links to these and other blogger.com: Lorien Delaney Authority control in an academic library consortium using a union catalogue maintained by a central office for authority control. Marais, Hester, () Authority control is the backbone of the library catalogue and therefore a critical library activity. Experienced staff create authority records to assist users in their quest Theses and Dissertations (Unisa Library) Recent Submissions Authority control in an academic library consortium using a union catalogue maintained by a central office for authority control Marais, Hester, () Authority control is the backbone of the library catalogue and therefore a critical library activity

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Zirconia, Sulphated Zirconia and Zirconium Phosphates as additives for membranes in PEM Fuel Cell. Sigwadi, Rudzani Annetjie () This research investigates the impact of zirconia nanoparticle in conductivity, water uptake, fuel crossover and fuel efficiency of modified Nafion® membranes. Synthesized water-retaining mesoporous zirconia Theses and Dissertations (Unisa Library) Recent Submissions Authority control in an academic library consortium using a union catalogue maintained by a central office for authority control Marais, Hester, () Authority control is the backbone of the library catalogue and therefore a critical library activity Development and validation of a measure for assessing the psycho-technological learning capabilities of open and distance online learners Tebele, Cebile () This research focused on the development and validation of the Psycho-Technological Learning Capabilities Scale (PTLCS) to measure the technical and technological capabilities required by students in
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